Thursday 11 September 2014

Steiny came to visit to help us with adjectives

"Steiny was well behaved," said Amelia. "He got patted," said Zac.

He was brown and white. His legs were long and soft. Steiny's coat was hairy and spiky.

We wanted to know if he was a good dog. Was he very good at playing fetch?  Can he catch his pink and white ball?

We thought that Steiny was careful, cute, fast, good, furry, considerate and friendly.

Thursday 4 September 2014

This week we have been writing Narratives. We know that word means a made up story. We have written about horses and dragons. We are learning to use adjectives. They are describing words said Ethan.  Amelia said her dragon was abandoned. Diago said his dragon was fiery. Gracie had a sad dragon. Maddie wrote the horse's mane was shiny and straight. Savannah thought the mane on her horse was long and scruffy.Next week will will be learning to write words that describe the setting in our Narrative.We looked at the pictures and writing of some of the students in Room 3 and we thought they were fantastic. The pictures looked like real tigers.