Thursday 20 November 2014

Playing Creating Clay Art

Zac and Brock are making interesting sculptures with the tools said Otis.

Anna-Marie said Chanelle Maa Aidan and Anna-Marie are making amazing things with clay using their hands. 
Kaha, Maddie, Chloe and Amelia are busy making snails, a pot and some cookies with their hands said Kymani-Cruz.

We are all making creatures said Amelia.

We are having fun making some shapes out of clay said Duncan.

We are making incredible things said Jesse-May.

We are making snakes and pots by rolling it into long little worms, put stripes and spots on it and using our imagination.

We are making snow men, pots, caterpillars and hedgehogs said Diago. We learnt to decorate the clay said Ethan. We played with the clay and we learnt to not put too much water on the clay.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Kymani-Cruz, Maa, and Brodyn were running to get bean bags to put in our nests.

Brock looked sweaty when he was doing the hurdles because he was running said Jesse-May.

Brodyn was running and focusing on the high jump said Chanelle.

Brodyn and Maa were jumping in the sack race said Savannah.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Rapunzel sings at X Factor

Diago thought the show was really funny because Pinocchio's nose came out long.  

Amelia thought it was clever how they put Rapunzel in jail.

Duncan thought Simon Cow was funny because he kept saying "I don't mean to be rude."

Anna-Marie thought the show was awesome because Rapunzel was an amazing singer.

Pinocchio is trying to be the best one at telling stories, but his nose grew because he told lies.

Sleeping Beauty was snoring loudly for her talent for X Factor.

Rapunzel and Pop Ruby were showing Simon Cow how clever they were at rapping.

Jack showed Simon Cow his magic beans.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Steiny came to visit to help us with adjectives

"Steiny was well behaved," said Amelia. "He got patted," said Zac.

He was brown and white. His legs were long and soft. Steiny's coat was hairy and spiky.

We wanted to know if he was a good dog. Was he very good at playing fetch?  Can he catch his pink and white ball?

We thought that Steiny was careful, cute, fast, good, furry, considerate and friendly.

Thursday 4 September 2014

This week we have been writing Narratives. We know that word means a made up story. We have written about horses and dragons. We are learning to use adjectives. They are describing words said Ethan.  Amelia said her dragon was abandoned. Diago said his dragon was fiery. Gracie had a sad dragon. Maddie wrote the horse's mane was shiny and straight. Savannah thought the mane on her horse was long and scruffy.Next week will will be learning to write words that describe the setting in our Narrative.We looked at the pictures and writing of some of the students in Room 3 and we thought they were fantastic. The pictures looked like real tigers.  

Thursday 28 August 2014

We love Computers

Aidan and Duncan are typing their names on the computer using WordArt.

Brodyn is helping Ethan to use different colours on WordArt.

Maddie, Jess-May, Zaylah-Cru and Otis are working really hard to finish their names.

We are learning to change the font, change the size, add colours when we type on Word.

Zac was typing his name and changing the font and colour with WordArt.

Thursday 21 August 2014

ART Learning to make our collage

Aidan and Duncan are sticking different coloured paper on to their flower pictures.  Aidan thought about getting little bits of glue and paper.  Duncan worked very hard to make it.

Kaha chose blue because he likes blue. Brock was trying his hardest because he liked the colours on his flower and he liked finishing it off. Anna-Marie liked doing her collage flower because it was fun sticking the coloured paper on. it.

Maanaima liked it because he worked hard and his flower is now on the wall beside his sewing. Chanelle worked hard at the table to get her flower finished. She liked her flower because of the different colours of the papers.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Brock thinks his hat is awesome because of the cds and eyes and nose.

Brodyn liked his hat because he likes the eyes, nose, mouth and ears on it.

Diago liked that it had a red strip on it.

Chanelle adding sparkling tinsel to her hat.

Gracie is smiling because she is happy with her hat. She liked that she called it Double Agent
Spy Cat Hat.

Ethan thought his hat was cool because it had a cd on the front.

Kaha liked wearing his hat because it was fun making it.

Kymani-Cruz liked the eyes and nose on his hat.

Maanaima liked it when he made his shark hat.

Savannah liked the flower at the back and the cd and the ribbon around it.

Otis liked the antennae on his hat and the lids. 

Maddie liked her hat because it had feathers on it.

Tony looks super cool in his hat.

Zaylah-Cru thought her hat looked pretty because she made it all by herself.

Zac liked his had because it had the pipe cleaners on it and ribbon on it too.

Amelia and Duncan looking for flowers and cds to put on their hats.

Kaha's Mum, Gracie's Mum and Zac'z Aunty are using the hot glue guns to help us.

Annaliese is admiring Charlotte's hat while Gracie is busy working.

Amelia is getting advice from Brodyn's mum.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Diago was blindfolded and he was trying to put the eyes and eyebrows on the paper face.

Annaliese thought the students from Japan were great because they sang and they shared a game with us.