Thursday 28 August 2014

We love Computers

Aidan and Duncan are typing their names on the computer using WordArt.

Brodyn is helping Ethan to use different colours on WordArt.

Maddie, Jess-May, Zaylah-Cru and Otis are working really hard to finish their names.

We are learning to change the font, change the size, add colours when we type on Word.

Zac was typing his name and changing the font and colour with WordArt.


  1. Word Art has lots of possibilities- that make what you produce very professional. I wonder where else you could use it- headings for projects? Nice job Rm 14!

    1. We liked your polite words Mr Melrose said Gracie. Aidan said Thank you for your nice comments Mr Melrose. We talked about where else we could use the Word Art. Duncan thought he could have a page of words that he can write.
